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Type 1 Diabetes

Patient treated with statin to manage or prevent ASCVD-LDL < 100


A. Has had clinical ASCVD.

1. Aged > 18 years old.

2. Clinical ASCVD defined as MI (Myocardial Infraction) , Ischemic Stroke, Arterial Vascular Surgery.


B. High risk for first clinical ASCVD defines as at least one of the following:

1.  Age > 50 years with evidence of coronary disease by angiogram or

     CT coronary calcifications > 300. 

2. Carotid stenosis with > 50%. 

3. Aged > 50 years with significant peripheral vascular disease.

4. Aged > 60 years with Diabetes for 10 years or on Insulin or with kidney disease.

5. Aged > 60 years with Hypertension over 10 years on medication, smoker & high LDL. 

A. Has had clinical diagnosis of ASCVD defined as MI ( Myocardial Infraction), Ischemic Stroke, Arterial Vascular Surgery. 


1. Aged > 18 years old.

2. Hypertriglyceridemia with fasting TG > 200-499 mg. 


B. At increased risk for ASCVD defined as:


1.  Type 2 Diabetes


2. Two or more severe risks.

a. Men > 55 or women > 65 years of age. 

b. Smoker

c. HTN

d. Kidney Disease

e. Family history of early ASCVD.

f. LDL-Cholesterol > 100 mg on therapy to lower LDL-C. 

g. Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein > 2.0 mg.

h. Elevated Lipoprotein (a) LP (a). 

Type 2 Diabetes


1. Aged > 18 years old.

2. Fasting Triglyceride > 500 on lipid -lowering therapy. 



1. Aged > 18 years old.

2. Diabetes type 2.

3. Taking 3 or more anti-hyperglycemia drugs.

4. Taking insulin and any other anti-hyperglycemia drugs. 

5. Glucose -not control A1C > 7.5% < 11.5%.

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